Frequently asked questions

Meeting the information needs of society is the main task of the media. We tried to collect here the questions that you ask most often.

Is the processed and stored information secure?

Yes, all information is carefully guarded according to legislative standards. in no case do we disclose the sources of our confidential information.

Where do you get the news or information for your articles?

We closely follow all the news that takes place in the world: from public to economic. Also in every major city we have journalists who do their job well.

How do You create news?

When we are informed about a new incident in the world, we work according to the following algorithm:
  • We study this news from the source.
  • We consider the news as an informational occasion.
  • We identify journalists who will prepare the material.
  • We collect, systematize and publish material.

How to learn to read the news without clogging your head?

We recommend that you pay attention to where you received this news and whether you can trust its source. And the third is whether there are signs of propaganda either distortion or evaluation judgments. If they are, then we did not read the news, not the information message, but something else.

Is it possible to become your reporter?

We are reviewing all resumes and suggestions that come to our mail. For us, your trust and desire to work with us is very important.
You can test yourself by sending your resume to our email address. we will send you a test task and with a positive result you will be enrolled in the staff of our journalists.

Who owns the information that is distributed, stored and published?

All information that is published on our news portal is the property of the editors. Any mention of this information must be made with reference to the original source.

How often do you publish news?

We do not have a universal answer to this question. If there is an important event in the world, we consider ourselves obliged to inform you immediately. In general, the update of the news feed takes place every hour.